Navigare Investors Benefits

Thank you for your interest in a yacht investment with Navigare Yachting.

Learn about the benefits of buying  a yacht in the Navigare Yachting charter program.

We hope that you´ll find this information helpful in your decision to become  a Navigare investor/yacht owner, and would be delighted to speak to you about what makes our program stand out in the industry.

Benefits of being a Navigare investor

All of our Investment Programs share the same core benefits

Kontaktieren Sie uns


Wir sind das weltweit führende Premium-Charterunternehmen mit mehr als 300 Yachten in 11 Destinationen weltweit, mit Zugang zu weltbekannten Marken.


Weltweite Segeltörns oder "Landurlaub", die Möglichkeiten sind schier endlos! Und unser engagiertes Concierge-Team ist bereit, alle Ihre Urlaubsträume wahr werden zu lassen.


Wir haben 4 verschiedene Beteiligungsprogramme entwickelt, so dass für jeden eine Option dabei ist. Entdecken Sie die besten Angebote auf dem Markt mit einer Programmdauer von bis zu 6 Saisons und Renditen von bis zu 12 % jährlich.


Dank der beispiellosen Transparenz und Verantwortlichkeit unserer proprietären Navigare Service-Plattform ist Ihr Vermögen in besten Händen.


Von der Technologie, die wir einsetzen, bis hin zu den Mitarbeitern, die wir einstellen und ausbilden, ist Navigare bestrebt, alle unsere Kunden mit Leidenschaft im Herzen und unvergesslichen Segelabenteuern zu bedienen.


Bei Navigare sind wir mehr als nur Geschäftspartner. Wir sind eine lebendige Gemeinschaft von Seglern, die sich gerne kennenlernen, Geschichten und Abenteuer austauschen und voneinander lernen.

List of investors benefits

We have summarized below the key benefits of the Navigare Yachting program and we encourage you to compare our offer to the rest of the industry and learn what sets Navigare apart. It would be our distinct pleasure to welcome you to our family of over 300 yacht investors worldwide.

Holiday Program

  • Choose between spending your holiday sailing at one of our worldwide destinations, in a luxury villa in Italy or Thailand or maybe rather in a skiing resort in the Alps. You may also book extra weeks on short notice at any same sized yacht, provided that the boat is still available.


  • Navigare offers to rent out the boat for at least 6 seasons (+ optional 4 seasons) but as financier you have the option to withdraw the boat from the fleet at the end of each season. The return is guaranteed.

    Fixed: The annual return is set between 9-13% depending on which boat you choose. Flexible: The annual return of 9-13% is based on a 21-week rental period and depends on the type of boat, country and rental agreements. Part of the return is fixed and part of it is flexible.

    The set-up is designed so that Navigare and the financier equally share the income, but the financier is always guaranteed 4-8% return. The financier may also book the boat for another four weeks on short notice, provided that the boat is still available.

Operating expenses

  • All expenses are covered, including dockage, insurance and operating expenses.

Yacht Brands

  • Lagoon, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Bavaria, Fountaine Pajot or Sunreef Yachts

Financing & Security

  • As financier you lend 100% of the boat’s purchase price to Navigare Yachting in the country where the boat is to be docked. The security of the loan serves as a deposit in that country’s register of shipping. This is the best security available. This deposit makes it impossible for Navigare to pledge, raise a loan or sell the boat, or to change its registration without the authorization of the pledgee. No creditor other than the financier can lay claim to the boat since the deposit entitles the financier to lodge the first claim.


  • Our program duration spans 6 seasons, plus optional additional seasons.


  • As special service for all our investors we have a concierge who will assist you with booking your holiday and answers to all your requests.

Brokerage support

  • Once the contract period comes to an end, Navigare will assist you whether you decide to keep the boat or sell it. Should you wish to sell the boat, Navigare can assist you with the sale of your boat through our boat brokerage service. In case you choose to invest in a new charter boat, Navigare can help you with the sale of the current one. Should you choose to bring your boat home, Navigare can organize the logistics, either in part or in full.

Professional maintenance

  • Each of our boats has a service book in which all servicing is logged. For every boat a generous sum is reserved for maintenance, which in combination with the Swedish influence at our destinations, ensures high standard and an increased resale value. Detailed information on the service plan can be found in the sales agreement. The normal duration of a charter period is 6 seasons. You also have the possibility to change base for your yacht during the charter period.

Well-equipped Yachts

  • The Navigare fleet consists of well-equipped yachts with all the necessary equipment and comfort options.


  • Croatia, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Thailand, The Bahamas, British Virgin Islands (BVI), US Virgin Islands, and the Seychelles.