A closer look into the growing electric catamarans segment, a green and innovative technical revolution where design and efficiency are being challenged. Let's dive into it!
Boats have topped the wish list of many people in the post-pandemic world and the marine industry has experienced explosive growth for two years now without signs of easing. If you too have considered purchase, you should first run through a comparison of the pros and cons of owning a boat.
After two years of interruption, we were finally able to welcome our current and potential yacht owners down to the base in Seget, Croatia for the incredibly popular Maneuvering Course and a Sea Trial!
Considering living on a boat? Whether you own a yacht or are looking to purchase one, there are lots of considerations before committing to living aboard full time and there are ways to do it so you maximize your chances of success.
If you are an American tax-payer, you’ve probably heard the phrases “active yacht ownership” or "boat as a business". These phrases refer to the business strategy of purchasing a yacht and placing it into a charter program to generate income. If you're considering utilizing a business strategy for your new...
Like cars and houses, boats need maintenance, but unlike the other two, they need more of it due to exposure, salt water corrosion, and stresses that come with being a seriously mobile platform.